
Here you can find resources which relate to the different areas of SACTJ’s work.


Visit Foundation for Human Right’s website on the unfinished business of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to learn more about their work on accountability:

Apartheid Convention

Apartheid Convention

Economic crimes

Visit Open Secrets’ website to learn more about their work on accountability for economic crime:

Anti Torture & Disappearances

Promoting the Effectiveness of South Africa’s National Preventative Mechanism, the Case for Civil Society Collaboration, Abdirahman Maalim Gossar, 28 August 2020

Proposed Governance and Insititutional Model for the National Preventative Mechanism, African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum, 31 March 2022
Democratic Policing: A Conceptual Framework, Law Democracy & Development Vol 25 (2021), Lukas Mutingh

Resources on TRC

International Transitional Justice

International Crime Court
Content coming soon
Content coming soon
SACTJ’s Reparation Project


memorial to nokuthula simelane
Memorial to Nokuthula Simelane, 2013, Photograph by David Goldblatt

SACTJ documents